🚀 NEW: Video Market Report Members Public

The video rocket ship has already taken off. The growth is mostly well deserved. However, causes for concern subtly litter the IAB's latest report.

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

🔥Hot Take: ROAS is a conflict of interest Members Public

It is hot-take-Tuesday, and ROAS sits in our conflict of interest crosshairs.

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

ANA: Transparency Report (Again) Members Public

The ANA is (still) presenting its "Programatic Transparency" study from last year. Perhaps that is because not enough brands have taken action on the results?

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

Cookies: Stay of Execution Members Public

Google's cookie jar remains stubbornly full as they hit 'snooze' on privacy changes...yet again. Why digital advertisers are more 'wait watchers' than 'weight watchers.'

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

"Moveable Middles" and the CMO + CFO Relationship Members Public

Major Unlock: Marketers go out of their way to ensure that their finance teams understand the value advertising drives in the business. These two panels at POSSIBLE attempt to bring those worlds together through new ways of driving and measuring success.

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

Is Hershey's a sellout? They sure hope so. Members Public

As the Miami sun began its shift from pleasant to borderline oppressive, it was time to discuss chocolate.

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

Gary Vaynerchuk at POSSIBLE Members Public

"We are obsessed with yesterday, infatuated with tomorrow, and suck at today," said Gary Vee.

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

OpenX POV: Impact of Privacy Regulation on the Adtech Ecosystem Members Public

The US privacy landscape is changing a rapid, dare I say schizophrenic, pace. Individual US states are passing their own bespoke regulations, all while federal legislation looms on the horizon.

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk