Monetizing AI Overviews
Ads in Google's AI Overviews are already natively integrated for immediate shoppability. What does this mean for advertisers, publishers, and the future of the ad supported Internet?
Ads in Google's AI Overviews are already natively integrated for immediate shoppability. What does this mean for advertisers, publishers, and the future of the ad supported Internet?
The DOJ is coming for Google, and they’re not just slapping wrists—they’re aiming to amputate.
If you are like most sane people, the term "spaghetti football" means nothing. For adtech nerds, it is the recipe for dominance. Our recommendations of the best coverage of the US vs Google, LLC trial.
Resource: 3-minute read to get you caught up on the court's verdict against Google, declaring it a "monopolist."
In just a few days, Google's AdX will finally adopt the OpenRTB 2.6 standards. It could upend the biddable video marketplace. Or, the silence of the change could be deafening. Either outcome is worth your attention.
Navigating the Privacy Sandbox's is like piecing together a puzzle without the picture on the box.