Cookies: Stay of Execution
Google's cookie jar remains stubbornly full as they hit 'snooze' on privacy changes...yet again. Why digital advertisers are more 'wait watchers' than 'weight watchers.'

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Monetizing AI Overviews
Ads in Google's AI Overviews are already natively integrated for immediate shoppability. What does this mean for advertisers, publishers, and the future of the ad supported Internet?

Browser Without Borders
The DOJ is coming for Google, and they’re not just slapping wrists—they’re aiming to amputate.

Spaghetti Footballs of Antitrust
If you are like most sane people, the term "spaghetti football" means nothing. For adtech nerds, it is the recipe for dominance. Our recommendations of the best coverage of the US vs Google, LLC trial.