News · · 5 min read

News: Brand's $4 Billion Blindspot

Despite the myths, news environments prove to be high-return and brand-safe. With performance upwards of 8.5x higher, avoiding news media might be the most misguided marketing myth yet.

News: Brand's $4 Billion Blindspot
There are billions of dollars of advertiser brand growth opportunities sitting in newsrooms around the world. Value that is just sitting there waiting for smart marketers to come scoop up.

I'm a recovering news publisher.

I started my career at CBS Radio, managing digital publishing for many of the company's top local news properties in New York City. A month ago today, one of them folded. At one time, WCBS-AM was the most successful radio station in the country. The station was the absolute top of the mountain for anyone working in audio news.

Now, it is gone.

I left CBS 14 years ago, but it was by far the most personally rewarding and exciting part of my career. The economic well-being of the news business has been in the back of my mind ever since.

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Agency Rollups: Ok, now what?

Is this the agency equivalent of the Marvel and DC universe colliding? Depending on who you ask, descriptions of the Omnicom acquisition of IPG range from "shotgun wedding" to "strategic juggernaut." For the combined 120,000-person workforce and its clients, change is coming.