Part 2: CTV deep dive

The next chapter in AdLingo's CTV deep dive series with focus on ecosystem platers, M&A, measurement FUBAR, and things to watch.

Travis Lusk
Travis Lusk

Last week's newsletter was Part 1 of the CTV deep dive series. If you missed it, you can go back to the archives and check it out here.

In Part 2, we turn our attention to:

  • Ecosystem players
  • Mergers & acquisitions
  • Measurement FUBAR
  • Plus, what to keep an eye on

Ecosystem players

Did you sense a Lumascape diagram coming? Your spidey sense was correct.

Convergent TV LUMAscape

Grab yourself a PDF copy of the Convergent TV Lumascape here.

Yeah, that is a heck of a lot of logos. Like all things digital, when there's an opportunity in an untested-nonstandardized-media space, the tech startups pop up like weeds through concrete. CTV is no exception.

Let's simplify this a bit and focus on the core functions. Most of the mechanics of a CTV transaction are just like any other digital activation. The ad dollars flow from the advertiser, through an agency, into a DSP, over to the SSP/Exchange, and then into the publisher’s inventory.

Figure 1: Ad dollars flow from the brand to the video publisher. Often, the transaction is done programmatically. However, there is still a large amount of publisher direct buying (green dashed line).
Figure 1: Ad dollars flow from the brand to the video publisher. Often, the transaction is done programmatically. However, there is still a large amount of publisher direct buying (green dashed line).

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